The "National Caravan 3 QUESTIONS Hokkaido Region Edition" will be held at Hokkaido University from October 6th to 10th. This event is calling for research posters to be presented, and an information session for researchers will be held on August 5th.


The nationwide caravan "3QUESTIONS" is a research poster presentation event that focuses only on the "questions" of the research theme. By having researchers from all over the country present their "questions" anonymously, we aim to prevent the content from being judged based on the affiliated organization, title, or field of expertise, and to have a pure academic dialogue without preconceptions. It will be held all over the country from 2024 to 2025, and will be held in the Hokkaido region in October this year. We plan to solicit 100 research themes (first come, first served) from universities and other research institutions in the Hokkaido region. This is a valuable opportunity to interact with researchers from various fields both inside and outside the university, so please join us.


Nationwide Caravan "3QUESTIONS" Briefing
  • Date and time: August 5th (Monday) 12:10-12:45
  • How to: Online
  • For inquiries, please contact: Hokkaido University Integrated URA Headquarters
    • Person in charge: Nakano and Fujita
    • 電話:011-706-9581
    • Email *Please replace % with an @ symbol when sending.


For more information, please see here. *You will be redirected to the Hokkaido University Integrated URA Headquarters website.