The Child Development Clinical Research Center, affiliated with Faculty of Education Hokkaido University, will hold the first of its 2024 public lectures, "Thinking about Child Development," on August 8th.


The theme of the first session is "Thinking about the act of caring." The lecturer will be Professor Yasuko Matsuda, Director of the Child Development Clinical Research Center. What do you think of when you hear the word "care"? Some people may think of elderly care, child rearing, or mental care. Recently, issues surrounding the environment of caregivers, such as young carers and business carers, have been discussed. Therefore, from the perspective of someone who specializes in being a caregiver, I would like to take this opportunity to go back and think about what kind of act caring is. Furthermore, I would like to touch on the situations and environments that make the act of caring difficult to carry out. Children are not only raised by adults, but they also raise adults. I would like to consider these things from the perspective of caring.


For more information, please click here. *You will be redirected to the website of the Hokkaido University Faculty of Education 's Child Development Clinical Research Center.