The 9th Global Energy Water Cycle Project International Conference (GEWEX-OSC) will be held in Sapporo, Hokkaido, from July 8 to 12. As a pre-event to the conference, a public lecture will be held on July 7 at Hokkaido University.

Overview of the Public Lectures
  • Name: 9th Global Energy Water Cycle Project International Conference Public Lecture
  • Date: Sunday, July 7, 2024
    (Part 1) 13:00 – 16:00
    (Part 2) 16:30 – 18:30
  • Venue: Hokkaido University, School of Engineering
    Frontier Applied Science Research Building 2nd floor
    (Suzuki Akira Hall)
  • How to apply: Please apply using the form below.
  • Part 1: Let's think together about future climate change
    - Adapting to climate change starting from our own region -
    In the first half of the event, there will be lectures on climate change by researchers from Japan and abroad, presentations by representatives of Hokkaido, Sapporo City, and the Meteorological Observatory on the current situation and response to climate change, and presentations by high school students on the results of their research on the topic of climate change.
    In the second half of the event, a panel discussion will be held among academics, university students, and high school students to discuss how to deal with climate change in the future from a wide range of perspectives.

    • Moderator: Takako Sugai (Weathercaster/Weather Forecaster)
    • Lecture by Professor Jan Polcher (French National Center for Scientific Research)
    • Lecture (Professor Masaru Inatsu [Faculty of Science Hokkaido University])
    • Presentations on climate change from the Meteorological Observatory, Hokkaido Prefectural Government, and Sapporo City
    • Presentation of research results by high school students (Hokkaido Prefectural Iwamizawa Agricultural High School, Sapporo Kaisei Secondary School)
    • Panel discussion by academics, university students, and high school students
  • Part 2 Weather Control Special Event
    A talk event on weather control will be held by a research group from Kyoto University. In response to concerns about the increase in heavy rainfall due to global warming and urban heat island effects, research is being conducted to reduce the intensity and frequency of heavy rainfall from the perspective of saving human lives. However, suppressing heavy rainfall can have side effects such as reducing rain (water resources) as a natural blessing. We would like to discuss the value of weather control and heavy rain control, their position in natural science and social science, and the demands from society, and think about a future in which heavy rain and society coexist.

    • Speaker: Hiromasa Yamaguchi (Kyoto University, Moonshot Project Manager)
    • Speaker: Tetsuya Takemi (Kyoto University) "How to control heavy rainfall"
    • Speaker: Kazutoshi Nishijima (Kyoto University) "How to design control target values"
    • Speaker: Kazuaki Manabu (Kyoto University) "Flood control by controlling heavy rainfall and water resource assessment"
    • Speaker: Takeshi Hatori (Ehime University) "How to build consensus on heavy rain control"

For more information, please click here. *You will be redirected to the 9th GEWEX-OSC website.