Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Hokkaido University, Center for Foreign Language Education, and Information Infrastructure Center, Hokkaido University, together with the e-Learning Education Society, will hold a research symposium entitled "Prospects for the use of AI in language education and the role of teachers - What AI can and cannot do" on August 26th and 27th.


During the workshop, Assistant Professor Research Faculty of Media and Communication will give a lecture titled "The current state of AI use in second language learning for Hokkaido University students." This workshop is being held with the support of the Hokkaido University Information Infrastructure Center's Exploratory Collaborative Research Grant for FY2024. It is also being held in part with the cooperation of JSPS KAKENHI Grants-in-Aid (23K00780, 23K00718, 24K04053).


For more information, please see here. *You will be redirected to the Hokkaido University Graduate Research Faculty of Media and Communication website.