The "Building an International Platform for Research on Survival Strategies" project Slavic-Eurasian Research Center Hokkaido University, the NPO Institute for Russian and Far Eastern Studies, and the Hokkaido International Exchange and Cooperation Center (HIECC) will jointly host a seminar entitled "The Russian Far East and Siberia in a Rapidly Changing International Environment" on July 11th.


This seminar is being held in cooperation with the socio-cultural theme of the "ArCS II (Arctic Research Acceleration Project)," which Hokkaido University also participates in. Based on research on the society and economy of the Arctic region that has been conducted under the socio-cultural theme, this seminar will provide an easy-to-understand explanation for the general public on the recent situation in the Russian Far East and Siberia.


For more information, please see here. *You will be redirected to the website of the Hokkaido University Slavic-Eurasian Research Center.