The student group HALCC will be holding a policy proposal creation seminar titled "Understanding the current state of the local community - Using Tsubetsucho, Hokkaido as an example" on April 20th.


The student group HALCC (Halk) is a group of Hokkaido University Public Policy School (HOPS) who are conducting fieldwork in Tsubestu Town, Hokkaido, with the aim of "regional revitalization from a student perspective" together with graduate and undergraduate students. In this seminar, we will invite Mr. Toshiki Hashimoto, who is in charge of the HALCC high school-university collaboration project and also in charge of the regional revitalization section, as a lecturer to provide an overview of Tsubestu Town's characteristics and administrative policies, and deepen understanding of the town.


For more information, please click here. *You will be redirected to Hokkaido University Public Policy School (HOPS) website.