NoMaps is a multi-faceted festival that brings together 55,000 people from all over the country, including local governments, companies, and private organizations from all over Hokkaido, who share the same passion for improving their communities and society, regardless of genre or generation, in Sapporo.
The Public Relations and Social Collaboration Headquarters will also participate in NoMaps2024, which will be held in Sapporo from Wednesday, September 11th to Sunday, September 15th, 2024, as part of its activities to solve local issues and revitalize Hokkaido as a whole, and will hold various events and exhibitions.
We are now recruiting volunteer staff to help with planning, public relations, and operation of the event, and will be holding an information session on the following dates.
▼For details and to apply, here
Date and time: Saturday, April 20th, 18:00-20:00
place: Open Innovation Hub Trillium
Deadline: Wednesday, April 17th, 17:00
Capacity: 70 people