Our Institute for the Advancement of Graduate Education and Ph.Discover will hold an event on January 16th titled, ``Let's dance in a circle to see if we can dream of semiconductors in Hokkaido! ~Looking to the future to support Society 5.0~'' Masu.


Semiconductors are key devices that support various technologies essential to a data-driven society. Interest in "semiconductors" is rapidly increasing in Hokkaido, with the start of Rapidus's grand project to deliver cutting-edge logic semiconductors from Hokkaido to the world. Therefore, we welcomed Mr. Yasuhiko Ota (Nihon Keizai Shimbun / Graduated from the School of Science of our university), the author of ``2030 Semiconductor Geopolitics'' and has covered the international situation surrounding semiconductors, as a guest, to discuss how the latest semiconductors can be used to improve society. Through discussions, we will think about developing human resources who can open up new fields and create new ideas, and the image of the near future.


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